In the previous post we derived through the Linux standard-based runlevels in the last post; now it’s time to zoom in on one of thos runlevels which is the defacto-standard default runlevel level3, that post will make a bit more sense if we look at an example.
Let’s take at look at how a service, such as an Apache server, might register itself to function at level 3. As a server’s network is essential, our logical level is level 3.
Since the apache starting script is located in /etc/init.d/apache2, we create a symbolic link from rc3.d, that is operating as level 3, to the apache starting script.
The ‘S99’ prefix ensures that Apache starts near the end of the runlevel sequence. The S letter stands for starting, whereas the k letter stands for killing the process, and 99 is the order of the process.