The Incredible Power of Machine Learning: Transforming Industries

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence in which a piece of software is designed to learn from the provided data, allowing it to improve its own accuracy over time without being modified or instructed to do so. This incredible technology has had a significant impact on a variety of industries. Here are a few examples:

Corner case explained: When Flying Fast Meets Turning Sharply

Imagine this scenario: you’re piloting an aircraft, soaring through the sky at breakneck speeds. Suddenly, you decide to take a sharp turn. As you execute the maneuver, an unexpected phenomenon occurs—your plane starts to shake violently. What just happened? Welcome to the world of corner cases

Laravel Dependency Injection

To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of creating a newsletter using Mailchimp which may be replaced by other providers down the road

PHP8 Null safe operator

PHP 8.0 introduces a new syntax, the null-safe operator, which adds the optional chaining capability.

Level 3 the de-facto default level

In the previous post we derived through the Linux standard-based runlevels in the last post; now it’s time to zoom in on one of thos runlevels which is the defacto-standard default runlevel level3, that post will make a bit more sense if we look at an example.

Demystifying Linux Runlevel with examples

In Linux Standard Base, there are seven different runlevels, numbered zero through six, we’ll go over each level briefly before focusing on level 3, which is typically the default runlevel for server systems.