Abort jenkins job when it gets stuck

Sometimes it’s not possible to abort some jobs through the Jenkins UI.If you ever have this issue, you can abort jenkins jobs using the script console. Go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Script Console, and type in this script: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jenkins.

Squash commits keeping the original message

Let’s say you added the baisc code for the story you’re working on with a simple message of “enable sso,” then you pushed it. A few moments later, you realised a typo, so you pushed a fix of this typo with another message of “fix typo” and when your peer started reviewing your PR, he/she pointed out that there were some unnecessary files that needed to be cleaned out.

What is Hyperthreading

Hyperthreading allows a single CPU to perform the work of two, by tricking the host operating system into thinking it has a second CPU and using clever hardware logic to try to interleave two threads of instructions into the execution units. An improvement of 30% is possible when using multiple threads rather than just one.

How to programmatically make failed builds on Bitbucket successful

Here, we’ll use Python, and the user will provide us with the commit ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 import requests import json bitbucketServerUrl = 'yourbitbucketsever' commit = input("Enter commit id: ") token = 'your bearer authentication token' url = f"https://{bitbucketServerUrl}/rest/build-status/1.

Multiple RUN commands as opposed to a single chained RUN command

Docker images should be kept as small and efficient as possible. If there are files on the shipping image that you won’t be using, you should get rid of them throughout the build process. When you breakdown your commands into multiple RUNs, docker adds a corresponding layer to that image.

Quick peek at AWS License Manager

What exactly is License Manager ? License Manager simplifies the management of software licences for both AWS and on-premises deployments from major software vendors like Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and IBM. Using License Manager, we can identify the rules for our software and associate them with the corresponding entities and resources in our environment.

Differences in power management between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

The power requirements of the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino are different. Raspberry Pi may be powered by a micro-USB or USB Type C cable, while Arduino requires a USB Type B cable. Although Arduino can get its electricity from a computer’s USB port, the Raspberry Pi needs a dedicated power supply to run.