Attack vectors, what are they exactly?

An attack vector is a technique or route a malicious actor uses in cyber security to get access or penetrate the target system. By researching known attack paths and attempting to exploit vulnerabilities to obtain access to the desired system, hackers steal information, data, and money from people and organisations.

Availability Zone

An Availability Zone might consist of a single data centre or a cluster of them. AZs are physically separate buildings with their own power and network connectivity. AZs within a region are typically spaced out by several miles and linked by extremely high bandwidth network connections.

Common Docker Commands

List all running the containers 1 docker ps That will list only the running containers To list all the containers (containers—both stopped and currently running) 1 docker ps -a List the id of the containers 1 docker ps -aq To get the full id (without truncating the id) 1 docker ps -aq --no-trunc Remove the container as soon as it stops 1 docker run --name=testing -p 9004:9004 --rm -it test:latest

Hardening sprint

An iteration, or “sprint,” is a conceptual building block in the core of scrum. At the end of each sprint, the team should have a “possibly shippable product increment” that was built from the items on the product backlog. Scrum is centered around the goal of creating a deliverable increment.

Spacing Effect

The process of learning is more successful when it is not rushed but rather spread out. You should study more often, but for shorter periods of time. Any amount of time spent learning even one minute is adding in to effective learning.

Access and Control Raspberry Pi Remotely

Realvnc Create an account Verify your email. Install VNC server if it’s not-installed highly likely you have it already you have Raspbian Jessie or later, VNC® Server is pre-installed, so only download if your Raspberry Pi has a different Linux distribution. On your Raspberry Pi, sign in to VNC ServerSign to the cloud with the email and password You will receive an email for confirmation of any new sign.

Use Emoji Hugo

By default, emoji is disabled in Hugo, to enable it, you need to set the enableEmoji to

IPV6 Benfits

IPV6 protocol offers several benefits over IPV4, as its ability to handle packets more efficiently, boost performance, and security improvement. Furthermore, it allows internet service providers to reduce their routing tables footprint by turning them to be more hierarchical.

FormArray vs FormGroup

The important distinction between FormGroup and FormArray is that the data of the later serialized as an array